'Spring/Summer show' - Cabinet Gallery, Edinburgh - April 2014

'Collectanea' - Oriel Henry Thomas, Carmarthen College of Art - January 2014

'Graduate show' - King Street Gallery, Carmarthen - January 2014

Graduate showcase - Craft in the Bay, Cardiff - November 2013 until January 2014

'Portal Series' – Llantarnam Grange and Oriel Davies - September 2013 until January 2014

New Designers - London - July 2013

'Flotsam and Jetsam' - Oriel Bach, Mumbles - July 2013

BA Final year degree show exhibition - Carmarthenshire College of Art - June 2013

‘Materia Medica', group exhibition by staff and students at Carmarthen ArtCollege - National Botanical Garden, Wales - 2013


Received the ‘City and Guilds award’ from the Worshipful Company of Pewterer’s after entering ‘Pewter Live 2012’. My submitted pieces were then exhibited at the Pewterer’s Hall, London for the duration of the event.

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